There's been a lot of talk about Arsenal's recent performance at Anfield. Some fans have earmarked their choice of players to come in or go. Some have called for changes in coaching such as the inclusion of a specialised defensive coach like Martin Keown, whilst others want changes right at the top. I understand the fans' frustrations and I too have become disillusioned by the youth revolution occurring at Arsenal.
In the wake of losing the likes of Vieira, Edu, Bergkamp, Pires, Campbell, Cole and Reyes, I would argue that only Campbell has been replaced like-for-like. Equally, there is a lot of leaders in that list. Players who were experienced and talented. Some of which would lead by example, some of which would lead by tearing shreds off you if you weren't pulling your weight. Either way, there's a whole lot of leaders who no longer wear the Arsenal shirt.
What has occurred at Arsenal can be compared to what happens in Youth Football on a yearly basis. All the older, more experienced leaders have left at the same time as if they got too old to play in that team anymore. What is left is the younger, inexperienced, less aggressive crop of players and a gaping wide hole where the leadership used to be.
Simply put, all the big boys have left leaving the youngsters behind and if you look through the current Arsenal squad and ask yourself one simple question you'll be stumped.
Who's the Daddy........................................?
(This topic was instigated as a result of a conversation with Dr. Nesbeth, whom I hope will contribute more thoughts to the Just What The Doctor Ordered blog.)